BASE Group was audited. Positive results!

At the end of April this year BASE Group was audited by a certifying body. The audit analysed our processes according to EN 1090-3, EN 15085 and ISO 9001:2008.

ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004

The first audit referred to the Integrated System of Quality and Environment Management. A positive result of control prove a  compliance of the Integrated System of Quality and Environment Management ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.

ISO 9001-2008 i ISO 14001-2004


EN 15085 CL1

The second audit was in reference to EN 15085. We successfully upgraded our processes and now we comply with CL1. The certification demonstrates the highest level of knowledge of our staff and fulfill the highest demands for performance of welded joints. Gained qualifications allow us to perform construction in accordance to class CP A to CP D in the field of stainless steel, black and aluminum.

EN 15085 CL1


EN 1090-3 EXC3

The third audit analysed our processes according to EN 1090. The audit confirmed that Base Group is able to maintain the standard of construction of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Base Group has the necessary qualifications and appropriate measures to ensure the execution of the construction according to EN 1090-3 EXC3 class.

EN 1090-3


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