Railway structure
Ecological train, which is powered by cheap and efficient fuel and emits to the environment only water, is this future? No! This incredible construction made by designers of Alstom will go to the German railway network next year. CORADIA iLint is powered by a powerful hydrogen cell, can carry 300 passengers on board and drive […]
Luminous bike path
We recently wrote about the American photovoltaic road, which glows in the dark. Now we can boast about domestic project luminous bike path! Thanks to scientists from the laboratory TPA near Lidzbark Warminski (Warmia-Masuria Province, Poland) who established path, which surface was created using glow-in-dark blue phosphors! Creators ensure that their solution will serve the […]
A “metal” lighter than styrofoam
The Boeing Company recently demonstrated the “metal” 100 times lighter than styrofoam! The new material is in fact an advanced structure built of Empty metal tubes, called micromesh, which has a an unusual strength and volume filled in a 99.99% with air! Boeing has already announced the use of extraordinary material in the construction of […]
Constructions for energy sector
Constructions for energy sector are used to produce electricity for years, but no one had ever thought of using it for water recovery from the air. Such a crazy idea came up from researchers from the French company Eole Water! The innovative constructions for energy going through a testing phase. The designers ensure that, at […]
project Startup Solar Roadways
Is endless American highway may become the largest photovoltaic power plant in the world? Now, this incredible concept could soon be implemented in the life thanks to the project Startup Solar Roadways. According to his assumptions solar panels are to be embedded in the pavement of the famous road No. 66 leading from Chicago to […]
MORP Hotel
MORP Hotel a truly amazing design floating, self-contained hotel, plying around the world. If that was not enough the most modern liner in the world is constantly changing its shape depending on the the sea currents! The unit will provide a flexible backbone built with residential capsules with a length of almost a kilometer! Much […]
Small constructions to distill water
Researchers at the SLAC National Laboratory not stop fighting for inexpensive method of purifying water for people who do not have access to drinking water. Recently they created a small device about the size of a postage stamp, which in 20 minutes can purify 25 liters of water contaminated with bacteria, requiring for its operation […]
Energy constructions
New energy constructions As reported by “The Times” British began implementing an impressive project Hornsea 2 – energy constructions. Within 6-7 years the British in cooperation with the Danish company Dong Energy wants to build the world’s largest offshore wind farm. The total project will cost a tremendous amount of 6 billion pounds! The farm […]
Space elevator
The Japanese decided to realize the vision of the creators of science fiction that has a chance in the future to revolutionize traveling in space! The concept of a space elevator for years fascinates. Although until recently it seemed to be only a dream, thanks to the advanced technology of the Japanese plans can succeed. […]
Aquila drone – construction of Facebook
Aquila drone, the ultramodern construction of Facebook has passed the first test flights! The construction is part of Internet.org, which will make available the Internet on desolate areas. Aquila powered entirely photovoltaic panels, is using the most modern batteries perform uninterrupted and fly both during the day and at night. Ultimately, Aquila will take flight […]
First diesel engine driven ethane
Engineers from the Japanese company Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding created the world’s first diesel engine driven ethane! Two stroke ME-GIE will put in motion a tanker with a capacity of 36 thousand. m3 transporting ethane. LNG carrier will charge both the fuel! Another two units already ordered shipowners from Germany and Norway. Constructing ME-GIE can […]
Smog Free Tower
The Smog Free Tower The Smog Free Tower is a unique design engineers from Rotterdam, which in their city successfully started to fight smog. Tower cleans up to 30 thousand m3 of air per hour, the energy consumption at 1400 W, which is a value corresponding to the power of the kettle or coffee maker. […]