Handover of the yacht – the beginning of the official cooperation

The beginning of the official cooperation

Przekazanie jachtu

A meeting of the representatives of the Cedry Wielkie Commune, Żuławy Cultural and Sports Centre and the president of Base Group took place on 25 March 2021 in Koszwały. During this meeting, the cooperation between Base Group Sp. z o.o. – Cedry Wielkie commune – Żuławy Cultural and Sports Centre was established. The cooperation is to help the development of multifaceted and mutually beneficial relations in the area of sports, culture, education, recreation and development of children and youth within the scope of the Partners’ activities, and also, a vital issue of creating valuable interpersonal bonds between the Partners.

Handover of the yacht

To demonstrate the support and to start the official cooperation, the Dziwożona vessel was handed over by Base Group to Żuławy Cultural and Sports Centre in Cedry Wielkie. The donated yacht will be used to improve the quality of training of children and youth from the Cedry Wielkie commune during classes at the sailing school in Błotnik.

Przekazanie jachtu

Base Group supports the development of children and youth

Base Group’s mission statement involves the support of the development of proper attitudes among children and youth, therefore we are thrilled that this cooperation focuses on sports and cultural activities that help in the education and development of young residents of the commune. We believe that investing in the proper development of children and youth, including sports, is money well spent.



